This band was born "physically" in January 2010 from a long-standing project of "Psycho" Andy Romi.
First line up included two guitars, with Manuel Conti side ot side with
Andy, Giulio Bizzarri On bass and Luca Di Stefano on drums, and in only six months it already started its live activity with great public response and release the first self produced cd, Ricordi, including the tracks Andy wrote to start the project.
Cover songs in the setlist moved from rock classics to new arrangements of italian classics turned to hard rock, such as Nessuno Mi Può Giudicare, Dieci Ragazze, Ragazzo di Strada, Il Chitarrista, Eppur Mi Son Scordato di Te, Monna Lisa, just because the project was intended to have italian lyrics.
So, Psychos took part in festivals and other events among which Festa Europea della Musica, thanx to Siena Rock and Le Carrozze records, other festivals and contests (Sonic Waft, All the rock, Emergenza where we qualified as finalists, Tour Music Fest) and the "No War Day II" in San Giacomo d'Acri (CS) organized by Emergency, recorded and aired by SKY's "Dance night TV", and also other ones around Italy. Live attendants saw the band's setlist in fast expansion with hard rock 80s/70s classics (Deep Purple, Alice Cooper, Rolling Stones, Ivan Graziani, Lucio Battisti, ecc.) and mainly the band's original productions.
Live activity intensify and the band undergoes a transformation adding keyboards but loosing Manuel's guitar.
So Andy starts moving between guitars and keyboards, still singing as lead voice.
With renewd spirit the second CD, Sol#, still self produced, is born,gathering axcellent critics despite the line up issues.
Live stage feedback is extrèmely positive too, according to critics and the ever growing followers.
Songwriting becomes more complex and intricated, making the project even more original and the band sound and style gets closer and closer to the great 70s and 80s rock bands.
Since the first shy attempts with keyboards, those new instruments started to have an important place in Psycho's music and Andy became more and more comfortable playing them.
So started production of the third album, made of thirteen songs, recorded by Andy in his home studio, and mixed and mastered thanx to expertise and competence of Narada Studio.
It came to life in Novembre 2015 under Vrec Label and Davvero Comunicazione, distributed by Audioblobe, available on itunes, Amazon, Spotify, Google Play and many digital platforms and music stores, among which Feltrinelli and Checcacci musical instruments in Siena.
Dispite excelent reviews and a warm fan base wellcome, Dritto al Cuore doesn't bring luck: Luca has to leave the band for personal life issues leaving Andy e Giulio orphan of their brother right in the middle of the album promotion.
Nontheless the band activity did not stop but right when line up seemed stabilized with Fabrizio Denaro on drums, Giulio decide to leave the band, leaving Andy and Fabrizio with some new songs for a new album ready but without a bassist.
Simone Cantini came to replace Giulio, but he's going to leave just after some live act, and in a short while Fabrizio leave the band too.
Thru this time, Andy decided to get Jack Manenti in the band as lead singer, right when both drummer and bassist decided to part their ways from psychos.
This lead to a full album of new songs Andy started recording right before he got stopped by covid-19 pandemic!
At that time Andy started to feel his home studio was too small and needed a new place for his drums, keyboards and studio gear, in a short while he found a place that would chenge his life: he decided to build a recording Studio!
In 2019 he started his new adventure and in 2021 the Psychotic Studio was born!
It soon shows to be the perfect place to have the psychos project go on, and there the new memebrs of the band started creating something different.
After one year of promotion for the third record the band dissolves, leaving Andy Alone with a new Singer, Jack Manenti, with whom he realize new versions and videos of the Psychos' iron horses and begin working on a new record that will never see the light.
With forth album recordings discontinued due to the pandemic everything stops: Andy take some time off and works to build his new recording studio, the Psychotic Studio, become avid certified and start working in the new studio as a sound engineer and as a musician.
During his time off from Psychos Andy starts a new project, teh Reckless Dreamers, collaborating with Luca Di Stefano, leading to distribution of a new signle a new videos.
After this long time off and with the coming back of Luca, former Psychos drummer and founder, even if not full time, Andy began working on a completely new album.
So, at the end of 2022, Andy realize a video for the new single, anticipation of a yet incomplete new record: Not Another Christmas Song is published.
In few months Andy realizes with Luca's collaboration the new Psychos' album, Look Into Your Soul, that will be delivered with Lotus Music Group.